Register for 11th Garden Suburb Chess Tournament London Junior Qualifier

Tournament Details

Please select the tournament section the player would like to register for:

For age-limited sections, the player must have been younger than the section age on 31st August 2024

Details of Child/Student


ECF Membership Details

If the player is an ECF member, their Membership Number is 6 digits long (e.g. 018194), and you can find it in the English Chess Federation rating website

If the player is an ECF member you can find their Membership Class (e.g. Silver) in the English Chess Federation rating website

NOTE: The player must be an ECF silver member or above to receive the reduced fee. Juniors can apply for free silver membership for one year by clicking here or renew their silver membership for £6 by clicking here

Contact Details

Other Information

Registration Fee

   – Yes, I already have ECF Silver membership or above.


The organisers will accept no responsibility for any loss, theft or accident to competitors or any other visitors at the venue or in surrounding areas. Parents are responsible for their children at all times, and in all places, during the event. The organisers of the event and their helpers are not able to act “In Loco Parentis”. They are not able to take responsibility for the actions of those attending the event, or the actions of anyone that may affect those attending the event.

Join our emailing list

We would like to add you to our emailing list. This emailing list will only be used to inform you of chess-related events, and your contact information will not be shared with any other party.

Payment Method

– Secure credit/debit card payment (no registration or membership necessary)